This noble bird, the turkey, has long been a symbol of the Thanksgiving holiday. But on this front strike matchbook, the symbol represents the fine dining experience of The White Turkey restaurants. With 3 locations in New York City, the fine dining concept included country inns in Hartsdale, NY and Danbury, Connecticut.
At all locations "The sign of THE WHITE TURKEY will always be a welcome symbol of delicious Foods, Fine Liquors and Excellent Service". While the city locations were open year round, the country inn in Danbury closed for the winter, most likely due to its remote location and accessibility during winter weather- which meant it would not be open on Thanksgiving Day. It was also closed for several years during World War II; reopening in the spring of 1946. The menu from that year relates a charming tale of the White Turkey: "The White Turkey is not as many Persons are inclined to suspect, a purely legendary Creature, as Testimony thereof, visitors to our Danbury Inn are invited to inspect the Turkey Pens in the Out-buildings where they may behold, with their own Eyes, six Hens and two Gobblers all white, all Turkey and all very much alive."
Located on an historic property built in 1760, the White Turkey Inn in Danbury operated from approximately 1936 until it closed in 1972. While the exact reasons are unknown, the KC Matchgirl speculates that America's changing dining habits lead to its demise. While earlier generations would gladly dress up for a drive out to the countryside for an elegant dinner, younger generations were less apt to do so. Therefore, Danbury now has a shopping mall aptly named the White Turkey Plaza in its place. Needless to say, the only very white turkeys to be found there these days are probably frozen solid, in the grocer's aisles.
New York City locations: 300 E. 57th, 38th & Madison, 12 E. 49th
Matchbook date- 1950's or earlier